Eyes, hands, kids, parents, peas, coffee, businesses…
It seems I’ve got a thing for twos. It’s like the universe smiles upon me and likes challenging me with doubles – two sets of twins, and now 2 businesses to run.
Years ago, I was told I should focus on my little family and that it wasn’t the right time to be building a business. I ignored them and ploughed on.
But those people are going to think I’m a nutbag now…
Oops I did it again
Perhaps not quite on the scale of Brittney in a hot red jumpsuit, but yep, I did it again.
I fell in love with another business and became so passionate about it that I bought half of it. Am I crazy – probably! Do I love it – yes!
But I didn’t jump into bed with just anyone as I wanted this partnership to last more than a couple of weeks. It took a while to get to know each other.
Here’s how it all unfolded
I knew from early on that the only way I was going to build my business was to get out there and network, network, network. Yes, my business was set to be virtual, but I also knew people would trust quicker if they knew me.
Seriously, I’m an adorable little bubble of joy – what’s not to love!
I went on the hunt for business networks that were filled with my kind of people – kind, down to earth, caring and supportive. At one event I heard Jess Jones speak about her passion for a network called ‘The Soar Collective’. From that day, I added ‘joining Soar’ to my list of business goals.
As a baby business, I didn’t have the funds to join on the spot, so the goal remained ink on paper for a few years while I dabbled in various networks.
One day, Jac found me. She was looking for an Online Business Manager to help her with…
I think I looked crazier than the Cheshire Cat with a stupid grin spreading across my face that no one could destroy.
Of course, I accepted and started working with Jac.
My OBM head kicked into full-swing
To say I get a little passionate about my client’s business is a tad understated. As I work with businesses who inspire me, I throw myself into it head first, looking at everything that’s happening to learn, learn, learn.
As I delved deeper into Soar, I saw some of the gaps. I realised that this business was based on networking and that was something I was yet to perfect. So, I pulled on my big girl pants and told myself to be brave and bold. Yes, I’m already a people person, but I am now ‘the person’ who is in front of people – that’s scary!
I started thinking how hard this would be for someone who’s shy, timid, awkward, or simply feels out of touch with networking. I wanted everyone to feel safe and to have a place to belong.
I spoke to Jac about making Soar more of a tribe and seeing my passion; she sold me half her business!
My vision for Soar
Networking isn’t easy, but it’s made easier if you’re surrounded by supportive, non-judgemental funny chicks.
These chicks become your tribe.
I want Soar to be an online community where you can check in to get support, come along to coffee catch ups, meet new friends and share a hug or two.
We’ll not only be running online events to boost your business but organising catch ups, so you can build relationships with others who are near.
But I can’t do this alone
If you’re passionate about building your own business through networking and want to travel this journey with me, I’d love for you to join me and the Soar community.
To keep up to date with what’s happening, please like us on Facebook.
Alternatively, I’d love for you to join us.
Until next time, keep Soaring!
This is huge Leanne! Massive congrats!!! Wishing you amazing fun and success x